Happy Birthday Morgie!!!!

Happy Birthday aunt Morgie!!!
Mom, Aunt Morgie and Josh left me with Nana and went to Lake Charles to celebrate Aunt Morgie's 21st birthday!! They stopped at Paw Paw Buffords house for cake and lunch, then headed to the Casino for the night. They waited until midnight then flashed her ID to get her into the casino when she was 21! They had lots of fun, and were back on Sunday for dinner with me at NaNa's house! (And more cake of course!!!) I love birthdays!

Aunt Morgies cake at Paw Paw Buffords! (Great Candle!)

Mommy and Aunt Morgie....pretty ladies!

Morgie and Mommy....SILLY ladies!!

Morgie and Josh walking in at midnight!

Sure, you can check my ID, I'm 21 as of about one minute ago!!

More cake and singing at NaNa's!!!

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