Blame it on my daddy!

Well, it all started as an innocent game of dress up at nana's house with Morgie. She found this tutu in the dress up box in the back bedroom. She put it on over my clothes and we all thought it was hillarious. Then we kept digging in the box and found some devil horns. I danced and played in the mirror in my new outift and gave my nanny, nana, morgie and mama a huge laugh.
We decided to wait for daddy to get there to show him my new outfit before we went to a halloween party.
Well, daddy saw me and thought I was so funny he wanted to bring me to the party in my tutu!!
I was a hit at the party too! One little boy told me I was so cute, he thought I was a girl! I was hillarious!!!
I will probably be very mad at mommy and daddy for this one day, but for now, it was alot of fun!

PS: Wouldnt I be a really cute girl?? All jokes aside?! HA!

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